Forum et astuces Webmarketing | Web-coffee Forum
Bienvenue sur le forum Web Coffee, un forum dédié à l'univers du marketing digital appelé également webmarketing. Vous trouverez plusieurs catégories sur ce forum : les tendances du webmarketing, les nouvelles technologies, le référencement, ...

Inscris toi sur le forum dédié au webmarketing : astuces SEO, stratégie numérique, affiliations sur internet, webdesign et UX.

Inscris toi sur le forum dédié au webmarketing : astuces SEO, stratégie numérique, affiliations sur internet, webdesign et UX.

Inscris toi sur le forum dédié au webmarketing : astuces SEO, stratégie numérique, affiliations sur internet, webdesign et UX.

Forum et astuces Webmarketing | Web-coffee Forum
Bienvenue sur le forum Web Coffee, un forum dédié à l'univers du marketing digital appelé également webmarketing. Vous trouverez plusieurs catégories sur ce forum : les tendances du webmarketing, les nouvelles technologies, le référencement, ...

Inscris toi sur le forum dédié au webmarketing : astuces SEO, stratégie numérique, affiliations sur internet, webdesign et UX.

Inscris toi sur le forum dédié au webmarketing : astuces SEO, stratégie numérique, affiliations sur internet, webdesign et UX.

Inscris toi sur le forum dédié au webmarketing : astuces SEO, stratégie numérique, affiliations sur internet, webdesign et UX.

Forum et astuces Webmarketing | Web-coffee Forum
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Le forum dédié au webmarketing : astuces SEO, stratégie numérique, affiliations sur internet, webdesign et UX.

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descriptionE-marketing  EmptyRe: E-marketing



descriptionE-marketing  EmptyRe: E-marketing

coucou a écrit:

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descriptionE-marketing  EmptyRe: E-marketing

Pseudo 2 a écrit:
1. 2.


descriptionE-marketing  EmptyRe: E-marketing

Upgrading to phpBB 3.1 may cause some extensions to no longer work. All styles will need to be updated, even if they give the appearance of working.
phpBB 3.2 is not completely backwards compatible with 3.1 and custom edits may no longer work. The easiest upgrade method is to remove all existing files prior to upgrading and re-applying custom changes after verifying their correctness.

A- Preparation
Backup all board files and the database.
Ensure that your server meets the requirements for running phpBB 3.2: Section 1.1, “Requirements”
Download the full package.
Unzip to your desktop and open the phpBB3 directory.
Remove (delete) the config.php file, and the /images and /files directories from the newly downaloded package.
In Administration Control Panel (ACP) > GENERAL > Board Configuration > Board settings
Default style: prosilver
Override user style: Yes
If spambot countermeasures are enabled: Administration Control Panel (ACP) > GENERAL > Board Configuration > Spambot countermeasure if the installed plugin used is not GD image, GD 3D image, Simple image, Q&A, or reCaptcha, then change it to one of those.
Server configuration disable Gzip
Deactivate any extensions which are not compatible with phpBB 3.2. Check with the extension author to find out if an extension is compatible or not.

B- Clean-up OPTIONAL
If you have more than a few EXTs or otherwise want to remove old entries from the database so you can start from a fresh forum by removing everything except for your users, topics and default configuration:
Download and uncompress the Unofficial STK
Upload the stk directory from Support Toolkit package to the root of your board installation. (You might need to rename the downloaded folder to "stk")
In your browser go to, login if necessary.
Using the menus navigate to ADMIN TOOLS > Database Cleaner and run that tool.

Upgrading to phpBB 3.1 may cause some extensions to no longer work. All styles will need to be updated, even if they give the appearance of working.
phpBB 3.2 is not completely backwards compatible with 3.1 and custom edits may no longer work. The easiest upgrade method is to remove all existing files prior to upgrading and re-applying custom changes after verifying their correctness.

A- Preparation
Backup all board files and the database.
Ensure that your server meets the requirements for running phpBB 3.2: Section 1.1, “Requirements”
Download the full package.
Unzip to your desktop and open the phpBB3 directory.
Remove (delete) the config.php file, and the /images and /files directories from the newly downaloded package.
In Administration Control Panel (ACP) > GENERAL > Board Configuration > Board settings
Default style: prosilver
Override user style: Yes
If spambot countermeasures are enabled: Administration Control Panel (ACP) > GENERAL > Board Configuration > Spambot countermeasure if the installed plugin used is not GD image, GD 3D image, Simple image, Q&A, or reCaptcha, then change it to one of those.
Server configuration disable Gzip
Deactivate any extensions which are not compatible with phpBB 3.2. Check with the extension author to find out if an extension is compatible or not.

B- Clean-up OPTIONAL
If you have more than a few EXTs or otherwise want to remove old entries from the database so you can start from a fresh forum by removing everything except for your users, topics and default configuration:
Download and uncompress the Unofficial STK
Upload the stk directory from Support Toolkit package to the root of your board installation. (You might need to rename the downloaded folder to "stk")
In your browser go to, login if necessary.
Using the menus navigate to ADMIN TOOLS > Database Cleaner and run that tool.

descriptionE-marketing  EmptyRe: E-marketing

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